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Why Choose Inflatable Boats?
Traditional boats can be a lot of fun but they are also expensive, require a ton of maintenance, and also need year round storage. With boating season only lasting about half the year in Canada, having to store a boat year round is just not convenient or practical. Fortunately, with inflatable boats Canada’s water lovers can avoid these issues while still getting to experience the joys of owning a boat.
- Easy to Carry: Each inflatable boat comes with a convenient carrying bag that can easily fit into the trunk of a car and be carried by a single person.
- Easy to Transport: While a traditional boat requires a car with towing capacity, an inflatable boat can be transported in even the smallest of vehicles.
- Easy Storage: Unlike a traditional boat, an inflatable one does not need to be stored at a marina. In fact, you can store it folded in its carrying bag as long as the boat is completely dry when you put it in. However, note that storing it while inflated is better for overall longevity. Fortunately, lightweight construction makes storing even an inflated boat easier than a traditional boat.
- Launch from Anywhere: Traditional boats require a boat launch, a ramp that the boat needs to transition from the land to the water. With an inflatable boat, you can launch from anywhere with ease. Simply place the boat in the water and you’re ready to go.
- Cost-Effective: An inflatable boat saves you money in multiple ways compared to a traditional boat. First, a traditional boat of comparable size to an inflatable one will be multiple times more expensive. Secondly, you will not need to pay for marina storage.
- Easy Maintenance: Oftentimes, owners of traditional boats can spend more time caring for and maintaining their vessels than they do enjoying them. An inflatable boat, in comparison, really only requires one thing: to be stored clean and dry. Remove water and dirt from your boat before packing it away and you will greatly improve the longevity of your boat. Bonus points for maintenance if you can avoid leaving your boat out in direct sunlight.